My cook’s tuberculous cough has diminished and the children with the peritonsillar and mastoid/facial abscesses are well. A 12 year old, who for five years has been falling as she ran away from ‘dwarf voices’, lacerated her ear. On medication now she no longer has daily epileptic seizures. Her old infected ear laceration will be allowed to heal by secondary intention before being reconstructed. Sadly, a psychotic woman drowned her eighteen month old baby.
By using a 110 volt light source and a 220v to 110v step down converter one Zeiss microscope is working. On May 22 I will be flying home for a visit and hopefully can get equipment to have both Zeiss microscopes working so ear surgery can be performed. Eighty patients are waiting.
Thirty five physicians, including the Dean and Assistant Dean of the medical school and our Chief Executive Officer, attended our weekly clinical conference on hepatitis B infection. All are enthusiastic in improving the care of the patients through our own initiatives rather than waiting for governmental or foreign aid. My appointment as clinical coordinator involves being active in the clinical meetings, informing physicians of workshops and arranging their attendance.
My English accent differs from the British accent Ghanaians are accustomed to. When I asked where I could buy baking flour, I was directed to a flower shop.
amazing stories here.
matt o'rourke
Nice outcome Dr. Murph.....your fellow classmates from SBP meet monthly for lunch and discuss your work....still would like to see if there is anything we can do to help.
Uncle Jim... Got your live message. Thanks . You are making a difference. I went to doc today to start the shot process. Ouch. Talked to Cyndy maybe a visit this spring/ early summer. What time or month would you suggest. Love ya.. Your favorite brunette neice.
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