The child two days after removing the obstructing foreign body from her trachea.
Today we saved the life of a two and one half year old girl who aspirated a groundnut (peanut). She presented with severe shortness of breath, had a seizure, was brought to the operating room and the peanut blocking her trachea was removed. Several pieces of peanuts blocking her bronchi were also removed. The child is now well. All the equipment had been prepared for such an emergency and when the video camera did not work, the clinic's video camera was used successfully. Now, how to fix the broken video camera, which is essential in these small children.
You're doing a great job Jim. Keep up the good work. JF
dr murphy-
what a great adventure for you and your wife! and the effect on your patients....just amazing. it was nice to see you in the library last week and hope you had a safe trip home.
peggy dreker
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