
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Medical Aid For Northern Ghana, Inc.

Access to health care is not as accessible to the people in the Northern Region of Ghana because the greater number of physicians are located in the southern part of the country. For that reason, I have chosen to work in this geographical area and have recently established a tax exempt foundation called "Medical Aid For Northern Ghana, Inc." through which significant medical needs can be addressed.
Corporations may wish to donate specific medical equipment while individuals may choose to make a financial contribution. It has been advised that checks should be made payable to "Medical Aid For Northern Ghana, Inc." and mailed to my address in the US where a member of my family will acknowledge its receipt and deposit the funds directly into the foundation's account.
Providing medical care allows me to experience the deep appreciation felt by the recipients and I personally thank you in advance for your generosity.
James P. Murphy, MD
Otolaryngology Consultant
Tamale Teaching Hospital
Tamale, Northern Region
Ghana, West Africa

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