
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Follow up on child with peanut aspiration

The peanut/groundnut mentioned in the previous blog was successfully removed from the infant boy improving his breathing and stopping his cough. However, a repeat chest x-ray still shows a collapsed left lung and bronchoscopy may again be necessary to remove a blocking blood clot or thickened exudate. The peanut was friable, separating as it was being removed and copious exudate and bleeding obscured visibility.

Visiting plastic surgeons released a woman’s contracted, flexed neck by excising her scar tissue and inserting a full thickness skin graft and reconstructed a boy’s mouth damaged from an accidental gunshot wound. Both procedures were beyond my skill and I greatly appreciate their help with my patients. I was also taught better suturing techniques and learned new operations. Medical knowledge and skill is freely and gladly exchanged and I am proud of our health care professionals.

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