
Friday, July 27, 2007

All Beginnings Are Difficult

The 40 ft medical container supposed left Tema yesterday but still no sign of it. Hopefully, it will come intact. The Ghana drug department confiscated one carton of eye drops which they said had expired. I've been introducing myself at the hospital and everyone has been quite receptive. Interestingly, of the twelve doctors on staff, only four are Ghanaian; the rest are Egyptian or Cuban. The hospital housing that we were shown was sub-standard and we may have to obtain private housing to find clean, acceptable living conditions. We're in the rainy season now which brings on the mosquitoes and malaria. Around the hospital grounds, I've been seeing a few men with goiters which should be evaluated. There is an Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic run by an ENT nurse, seeing non-referred walk-in patients daily. However, the patients do not come in until very sick. With what little time I've spent there so far, I've seen significant pathology. The next few days I should be very busy unloading, securing, and organizing the otolaryngology equipment from the container. As we are now in temporary quarters, it is difficult to add to this blog at the present time.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dr. Murphy

Congrats on finally making it to Ghana!

Your blog is great to read. (But we may need to consult a medical dictionary to keep up.)

Keep up the good work, and good luck finding that 40 foot container.

If things start disappearing, I would look in Cyndy's closet. She might be trying to hasten your return to Kearny.

(I bet she secretly changed the date on those confiscated eye-drops.)

Hope all is well.

- Matthew Marshall and Jaime Schlesinger

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys,

Glad to hear things are going relatively smoothly and you're enjoying Ghana. Will pass this link on to my brother, Ryan, as I'm sure he and his fellow residents will really enjoy it.

Take care,
Bridget McGarrity

Marilyn Valvano said...

Hi Cyndy and Jim, Pat passed along your blogs. Don't know anything about blogs either. Glad to hear all is well and very interesting to read your experiences in such a different culture.

Hope I'm doing this right. will follow up on your new life.

Love, Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Good to read about your travels/travails? Beth is here now, helping me to comment on your blog. She looks well. Joe was here this AM before checking on his house.
No grandchildren herer now, they've all deserted me but Michael and family will be here on or about 8/22 when he returns.